Special Offers
Special Offers
Save 5%
for booking online!

Offer Restrictions:
- Advance reservations required and must book directly with Adventures In Paradise online using promo code: webfun
- Not valid with other coupons
- No group rates, packages or other discounts apply
- Discount is not valid towards the Backwater Fishing Cruise, Trolley Tours or holiday cruises
- Offer not valid on confirmed reservations
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$4.00 off each adult passenger
on our NEW Paddleboarding Eco Cruise!

Offer Restrictions:
- Price valid for the Paddleboard Eco Boat Cruise
- Advance reservations required and must book directly with Adventures In Paradise online using promo code: paddleon22
- Not valid with other coupons
- No group rates, packages or other discounts apply
- Offer valid for tours between February 15th and May 30th.
- Offer not valid on confirmed reservations
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